VIVA HINDS by Hinds album review by Beau Goodwin for Northern Transmissions. The Madrid band's album drops on September 6th via Lucky Number


Viva Hinds


“Hi, how are you?” Thus opens VIVA HINDS, the fourth album from Spanish indie-rockers Hinds. VIVA HINDS comes after a period of hardship for co-founders Carlotta Cosials and Ana Perrote. Four years has passed since their Prettiest Curse, the longest gap taken between their albums, and in that time they have had to deal with being independent and splitting from their management as well as their bassist and drummer leaving in 2020. With these issues in mind, the opening track becomes even more pertinent. “Hi, How Are You” may be chaotic and energetic, with a riff between the two singers as they go back and forth, but it is also genuine with heartfelt lyrics.

This is a major theme for the record. Whether the songs are leaning more towards a rockier sound, imitating the vibe of a night out, or leaning more towards dream-pop with Cocteau Twins influences, they all focus on emotion. It is, as they state themselves, “heart driven” and we can see that in all of the tracks.

The second track “The Bed, The Room, The Rain and You,” a personal favourite of Cosials’, is a perfect example of not just the dreamy sonic landscape Hinds have created on this LP but also of the honest and optimistic writing; also being the only love song on the album. It would fit in on a soundtrack for a coming-of-age movie without question. ’Stranger’ is another track with vulnerable lyricism as it tackles being uncomfortable with yourself and imposter syndrome, a lot more refrained and slowed down compared to the more playfully chaotic singles such as ‘Superstar’ and ‘Boom Boom Back’. ‘Stranger’ features the frontman of Irish band Fontaines D.C., Grian Chatten, and the perfect blend of their vocals elevates the song to new heights and, by doing so, also to being a standout track on a consistently strong record.

“Boom Boom Back” perfectly encapsulates the energy of a night out and within seconds of the song it is hard to not feel like you’re accompanying the duo Cosials and Perrote through Madrid nightclubs or London bars. The Beck feature gives the song an early naughties indie-rock edge, reminiscent of The Strokes’ early projects with Beck’s vocals a perfect contrast to the duo’s playful and upbeat tone.

“Superstar” and “Coffee” tackle difficult topics with a levity that becomes clear throughput the 10 tracks only Hinds can pull off. With “Superstar” discussing being taken advantage of, “Coffee” deals with the difficulty of love and how one loves things we are told we shouldn’t. “Superstar” builds and builds through the verses before the chorus kicks in, erupting into a cathartic and powerful cry of “Good job, now you’re a local superstar.” It’s scathing but it is also vulnerable and powerful, the honesty transforming the entire song as it gives it an emotional edge. “Coffee” is jaunty and playful, the guitar playing a fun little chord progression while the duo sing about the contradiction of love as they ask for the guy to stop calling while also pleading with him to not look her in the eye, as if that would set them back to square one. It’s hard not to want to skip along to the song while walking.

The record also feature the band’s first fully Spanish song in “En Forma“, with “Male Vista” also being sung in their mother tongue. The rapid fire delivery of the song is reminiscent of an oncoming panic attack, a purposeful emotion to recreate in the song due to the subject matter, Perrote says, representing “how fucking complicated it is to be a person these days, and the complexity of being a woman, especially…”

“On My Own” again tackles a serious subject matter with playfulness and ease. As Hinds sing about heartbreak and heartache, preferring solitude to the tempestuous relationship, there’s an element of questioning unlovability. The lyrics go from “you just fucked it up” to the next chorus having the lines “I just fucked it up”. This inwards contemplation shows the delicacy of the emotions and subject matter throughout not just the song but also through the LP as they blend the emotions and feelings with a consistently playful and fun sound.

VIVA HINDS is a confident release that sees Cosials and Perrote explore emotions that they have experienced together both individually and together. There is a level of relatability throughout due to the lyrics that dive into experiences they have with a startling clarity and vulnerability. There is a lot of wit throughout too, oftentimes the lyrics can be as sarcastic and as wild and optimistic as they are raw and honest. This contrast is handled with care and, most importantly, sticks the landing as throughout the 10 tracks there is a consistent playful and dreamy atmosphere.

The duo manage to evoke feelings and the vibe of a late summer evening, bar-hopping throughout the city, with ease. The instrumentation should be applauded for this as from the powerful bass that drives the songs to the hypnotic guitar riffs one feels like they are making eyes with someone across the bar or laughing with friends as the sun starts to set. As “Bon Voyage” closed out, I couldn’t shake the summer-evening atmosphere off, feeling struck with optimism, for this is a phenomenal summer album with playfulness and heart.

order Viva Hinds by Hinds HERE


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