Goodbye Honolulu debut video for “Typical”

Goodbye Honolulu release their EP No Honey, on September 1st, via Fried Records. Today, the band shares the lead-single and video for “Typical. Goodbye Honolulu, play their next show on June 21st in Montreal, Quebec. The band are psyched to hit the road again, after supporting their pals, Hinds on a lengthy tour. The guys have also done multiple Canadian tours on their own sharing the stage with
The Black Lips, Sebadoh, SWMRS, The Memories and loads more!
Quote from band:
“No Honey came about, after meeting Mike (Turner) through a few mutual friends a few years back. He dug us and we fell for him immediately, so we started coming by his studio at night when it wasn’t busy and started hashing out the songs that would eventually become No Honey. A bond formed between Mike and us, and he really allowed us to create a big sounding group of songs that captured the energy of the live set perfectly, while also using the studio to our advantage and adding instruments and effects that we hadn’t had the chance to experiment with before this. He also had a really nice fancy espresso machine, that made one hell of a cup. That really opened our eyes to the finer things in life and we love him most for that.”
Quote from the video director Ingrid Veninger
“I’ve been working exclusively in features and it was so liberating to direct this music video. I love the sound of GOODBYE HONOLULU. With the melancholy feel of this track, the first image I saw in my head was the band playing on a winter beach in the bright sun, dressed in yellow rain ponchos. Next came the idea of shooting infrared and wide-screen. And who doesn’t like a little time-lapse? We shot this video in 6 hours with a crew of 3. I hope the images serve the song and capture some of the band’s awesome playful energy.”
Goodbye Honolulu DID meet in high school but they didn’t just form one band. They formed 5 individual projects and started their own record label while still in school, the 100% local Toronto label Fried Records. While other kids were cramming for exams or wasting away playing video games, the Goodbye Honolulu boys were busy playing in bars (attempting to sneak their underage friends in), honing their live skills, writing songs and self releasing multiple albums a year.
These teenage years were laying the foundations and as they hit their 20s Emmett, Jacob, Fox and Max decided to join forces and focus their song-writing and energy to one project, say “hello” to Goodbye Honolulu.
Goodbye Honolulu, evoke a 90s slacker vibe mixing vintage garage rock n roll history with modern elements, it’s not exactly pop and it’s not exactly punk.
Goodbye Honolulu is best known for their live shows and in best form when every member is screaming their heads off with shout along choruses. Whether it’s Emmett’s fuzz-layered guitar, Jacob’s gnarly vocals, Fox’s Bowie-inspired vocal inflections or Max beating his drum kit to death, Goodbye Honolulu make their audience the VIP guests to their rock n roll party.
Goodbye Honolulu
Emmett Webb (Guitar/Bass/Vocals)
Fox Martindale (Guitar/Vocals)
Jacob Switzer (Guitar/Bass/Vocals)
Max Bornstein (Drums)
Tour Dates:
June 21 – Divan Orange, Montreal QC
July 15 – Lee’s Palace, Toronto ON w/ New Swears
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