Ela Minus Debuts “Combat”

Ela Minus shares her new single, “COMBAT.” Known for creating her own synthesizers and her work with analog machines
Ela Minus Photo Credit: Alvaro Arisó

Ela Minus shares her new single, “COMBAT.” Known for creating her own synthesizers and her work with analog machines in the electronic realm, the song features a quartet of woodwinds, marking the first time she has written and recorded with acoustic instruments. The Colombian producer and singer’s track is accompanied by a video directed by Losmose.

“Los pájaros nacidos en jaula/no le tenemos miedo a nada,” Minus sings at the start, referencing a popular proverb about how birds born in a cage grow to consider flying a sickness. But Minus turns that phrase on its head, declaring that, in her view, those birds are actually fearless. Her soft voice moves through these long tones with a balletic grace, juxtaposing the airy sound of the instrumental and the aggressiveness of her lyrics: “No parar hasta quemarlo todo” (“keep going until it’s all burned down”). “The foundation of ‘COMBAT’ comes from a recorded performance I did a few years ago. It was then that I improvised the chord progression that became the soul of the song. Jesse Scheinin did a beautiful performance of the woodwinds I wrote for it.” Minus elaborates, “It’s about the intensity of feelings and emotions that it hopefully evokes. You come out the other end of the struggle stronger. I hope the music speaks for itself.”

The “COMBAT” video begins in a large minimalistic space of enveloping light and kaleidoscopic shapes evoking an anechoic chamber. The camera pulls out to Minus singing, before slowly moving closer and closer, entering her chest and unveiling her beating heart. The song is Minus’ first new music following the release of her debut album, 2020’s acts of rebellion.


Los pájaros nacidos en jaula
no le tenemos miedo a nada.

creyeron que no nos íbamos
a acordar de volar… jajaja
creyeron que no nos íbamos
a atrever a saltar.

Entre más se acerquen las paredes
más fuertes las ganas de tumbarlas,
de no parar hasta quemarlo todo.

de no parar hasta quemarlo todo.
de no parar hasta quemarlo todo.

no parar hasta quemarlo todo.

no parar hasta quemarlo todo.

no parar hasta quemarlo todo.

No parar.


We are the birds that only know life inside a cage,
And nothing scares us.

They thought we would forget how to fly…
They thought we wouldn’t dare to take a leap…hahaha
But as the walls move closer in,

The desire to knock them down gets stronger,
The desire to keep going until it’s all burned down.

Keep going until it’s all burned down.
Keep going until it’s all burned down.

Keep going until it’s all burned down.

Keep going until it’s all burned down.

Keep going until it’s all burned down.

Ela Minus 2024 Tour Dates

Sat. June 8 – Bude, Cornwall, UK @ The Wyldes *
Fri. June 14 – Barcelona, ES @ Sónar
Fri, June 28 – Halifax, UK @ The Piece Hall *
Sat. Aug. 10 – London, UK – Four Tet All Dayer (DJ Set)
Thu. Aug. 22 – Montreal, QC @ MUTEK Montreal

* supporting Underworld

Order tickets for Ella Minus HERE


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