Japandroids Announce Fate & Alcohol

Japandroids release their final LP Fate & Alcohol, on October 18, via ANTI
Japandroids photo by Dan Monick

Japandroids have revealed their final Fate & Alcohol, will arrive October 18, via ANTI-. Brian King (guitar, vocals) and Dave Prowse (drums, vocals) have decided to part ways but not before releasing one last album. this album is a monument to the chemistry they’ve honed over nearly two decades side-by-side.. Fate & Alcohol, was recorded in Vancouver with longtime collaborator Jesse Gander. Ahead of the album’s arrival, the duo have shared the LP track “Chicago.”

“On our last record we wanted to broaden the definition of a Japandroids song,” King says, “and purposely left our demos quite open and malleable so that we had more flexibility to experiment in the studio. At the time, this approach was new and exciting, and inspired us to be bolder, to take more chances. We were aiming for a more cinematic take on our signature sound. This time, we made certain that every song ripped in our jam space before Jesse ever heard it. If you listen to our first demo of “Chicago,” it’s obviously much rougher than what you hear on record, but it’s all there. Even on a blown-out iPhone recording, the energy was obvious, and the feeling cut through loud and clear.”

When asked to reflect on their career and all they’ve accomplished, both Prowse and King are hesitant to think in terms of legacy. They consider Fate & Alcohol a parting gift to fans, because Japandroids have approached every recording as fans themselves, from influences and ethics to artwork and merch. “I don’t think we’re the most technically proficient band in the world,” Prowse says. “And we’re not the most original-sounding or challenging band in the world. But we’ve always put a lot of passion into what we do, and I think that’s resonated with a lot of people. And I’m really grateful that we could be that band for people, in the same way that so many bands were for us.”

Fate & Alcohol

1. Eye Contact High
2. D&T
3. Alice
4. Chicago
5. Upon Sober Reflection
6. Fugitive Summer
7. A Gaslight Anthem
8. Positively 34th Street
9. One Without the Other
10. All Bets Are Off

pre order Fate & Alcohol HERE


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