Goon Shares Six Covers EP
Goon released their Six Covers EP on Bandcamp, with all proceeds benefiting Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund, in light of the Supreme Court’s intent to strike down the Roe v. Wade abortion ruling. Available for 24 hours during Bandcamp Friday, the compilation features covers of Guided By Voices, illuminati hotties, Daniel Johnston, Dead Soft, Draag and Pixies’ “Snakes” (feat. illuminati hotties). Proceeds from Goon’s entire Bandcamp discography will also benefit Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund & former label Partisan Records will donate all income made on the label’s Bandcamp to the fund, as well.
Mississippi has just one abortion clinic left, and 91 percent of women in the state live in counties with no provider. The state has a pre-Roe ban, a post-Roe trigger ban, and a six-week abortion ban that’s currently blocked from taking effect.
Goon frontman Kenny Becker said: “I recorded these covers over the last few years and never had a strong intention to release them. But given the recent news from the Supreme Court, this seems like the perfect use for them. Especially the Pixies’ ‘Snakes’ – the apocalyptic imagery feels suitable for these times.”
On choosing The Mississippi Reproductive Freedom Fund, Becker says, “MRFF is a great one to donate to because the entire state only has one abortion clinic left and they have a post-Roe trigger ban in place. MRFF is also community-based and is dedicated to creating a world where everyone experiences full reproductive justice.”
Six Covers
“The Rules” (illuminati hotties)
“Sorry/Dispensa” (Draag)
“Devil Town” (Daniel Johnston)
“I Believe You” (Dead Soft)
“Game Of Pricks” (Guided By Voices)
“Snakes” (Pixies)
Buy donate Six Covers by Goon Six Covers by GOON“>HERE
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