Gazelle Twin announces new album Shadow Dogs

Gazelle Twin has announced new album Shadow Dogs, the LP is a collection reworkings and reinterpretations of tracks from her album, Black Dog
Gazelle Twin photo credit Ter iVarhol

Gazelle Twin has announced new album Shadow Dogs, the LP is a collection reworkings and reinterpretations of tracks from her album, Black Dog, available October 18th via Invada Records. “Fear Keeps Us Alive” BEAK> Mix is available ahead today to stream.

Shadow Dogs other tracks include versions of Gazelle Twin’s fourth studio album features reinterpretations by a host of artists: Keeley Forsyth, Gary Numan, Mark Jenkin, Marta Salogni, Penelope Trappes, Sealionwoman and BEAK>, who launch the series with their blistering take on ‘Fear Keeps Us Alive’.

Billy Fuller from BEAK> explains, “We were honoured to be asked by Elizabeth to do a version of ‘Fear Keeps Us Alive’ for her Shadow Dogs album. We’ve attempted to do it as if BEAK> were playing it onstage live with her, and hope you like it!”

Talking about Shadow Dogs, Bernholz says, “When making Black Dog, a persistent obsession I had was the link between audio-visual tech and the nature of ghosts. I thought about Edison’s Ghost Machine, early EVP experiments, and the “ghosting” of transmitted images on the first televisions. All recordings are ghosts of sorts, and so came the idea of inviting musicians that I really admire, to create ghost or shadow versions of these songs, and together form a new pack – Shadow Dogs.”

Before then, the British horror film, Saint Maud – written by Jessica Andrews (Saltwater, Milk Teeth) – has been adapted for stage with music by Gazelle Twin, and will open at the Live theatre in Newcastle upon Tyne on 10 October.

recently, Gazelle Twin collaborated with Factory International on their production of Robin/Red/Breast, co-created by Maxine Peake, Sarah Frankcom and Imogen Knight. The chilling new retelling of John Bowen’s cult TV play Robin Redbreast, often cited as the precursor to The Wicker Man followed another collaboration with Maxine Peake, the audio installation We Wax. We Shall Not Wane, commissioned by Somerset House, London, for The Horror Show Exhibition in 2022.

Gazelle Twin
Shadow Dogs

1 Black Dog – Gary Numan Mix
2 Two Worlds – Keeley Forsyth Mix
3 Fear Keeps Us Alive – BEAK> Mix
4 Sweet Dream – Mark Jenkin Mix
5 This House – Sealionwoman Mix
6 A Door Opens – Marta Salogni Mix
7 Author Of You – Penelope Trappes Mix


5 October – Sheffield, Sensoria
1 November – London, British Library with the LCO


10 Oct – 2 Nov – Newcastle, St Maud at Live Theatre

Order Shadow Dogs by Gazelle Twin HERE


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