Face The Wall by Jordana Album review by Greg Walker for Northern Transmissions


Face the Wall


With Owl City’s impeccably sugary sense for melody (this is a compliment) and Imogen Heap’s electro-pop sensibilities, Jordana hits you with ten perfectly crafted indie-pop songs on her latest album, Face The Wall. Only twenty one years old, she already has some albums under her belt, including a collaborative effort with tour mates, TV Girl, but this is reportedly her first fully produced record. And her choices are interesting.

While she is a super fan of (and runs a Twitter fan site for) the Strokes, and with her melodies that often recall 2000’s pop-punk, you could imagine that she would go a lot more alternative rock than she has on this album. But, like Imogen Heap before her, her voice and her composition favors pop over alternative, particularly because of her powerful and affecting voice.

The themes on the album, dealt with candor and vulnerability, all reflect the millennial mindset of growing in maturity, personhood, and competent independence. “You know you put yourself through this / Caved into another blissed out wish / Try not to let the panic stick and / Breathe in breathe back out,” she opens the album on “Pressure Point,” perhaps the song with the most compelling composition on the album. A good starter, for sure.

She sings about the difficulties of life in your twenties with confidence and freshness. “What if I told you were capable of being loved, baby? / Would you believe me, or would you tell me that I’m full of shit?” The brilliant compositional choices more than make up for the sometimes repetitive nature/content of the lyrics. It is a treat, from beginning to end, and would find a welcome home on radio waves throughout the nation, college or otherwise.

She’s a young woman who knows her talent but doesn’t use her platform to boast, but to relate to the people her age. And there’s take aways for people of any age, really. “Why should I care? / Why do I give a damn?” she ends the album. She cares, but not too much, she shines, but it’s not blinding. It’s a brilliantly constructed album that’s garnering critical attention, and for good reason. She rides that line between the pop and indie world, and her melodies and compositional choices make it more than palatable, exciting even, for an indie crowd.

Order Face The Wall by Jordana HERE


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