“Cool Down” by Bridal Party

Bridal Party have returned with “Cool Down,” the band’s first single since 2019. The track began as a fragment captured on an iPhone in the band’s rehearsal space. “I was thinking about a Prince riff from “I Wanna Be Your Lover” and how well the chords worked together” explains Keyboardist Jordan Clairmont. “So I started playing them in a different succession and everyone caught on and Joe started recording it.” Guitarist Joseph Leroux continues: “I could tell the chords and beat held something fresh for us, so I hit record and started playing along so the idea didn’t get misplaced.”

Producer Connor Head helped the band bring the track to life in the studio, engineering the song layer by layer into the crescendos that define its arc. Danceable and ruminative, Cool Down the single both crystalizes and sets in motion the joy and tension at the heart of Cool Down the album, dropping Spring 2023.

In 2017, Bridal Party linked up with producer Connor Head to record Negative Space, including the band’s first breakout track, the cheekily melancholy “Fruitless”. Built from a guitar progression Leroux initially heard as a throw-away, “Fruitless” showcases Raudaschl’s vocal range and narrative wit, placing her stylistically somewhere between Joni Mitchel and Debbie Harry, distinct in her unpredictable yearning and melodic patterning. It also signalled the band’s stylistic shift towards 80’s and 90’s pop references, and a move towards a less guitar driven, more synthetic sound. In the wake of Negative Space, Beatroute Magazine called Bridal Party, “a perfect marriage of indie pop and soul.”

Over the next two years Bridal Party embraced DIY touring, sending themselves across Canada and down the west coast of the US multiple times, developing a reputation as a tight and experienced live act. The band began recording their debut LP Too Much in 2018, right after returning from their first tour. Informed by their experience on the road and painstakingly produced and mixed by bassist Lee Gauthier.

Purchase “Cool Down” by Bridal Party HERE


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