Listen To Steven A. Clark’s “Can’t Have”

Listen To Steven A. Clark's second single"Can't Have" From his Secretly Canadian Debut Album

The Lonely Roller, is Steven A. Clark’s debut album for Secretly Canadian, due out September 18th. the descriptions of emotions and bad breaks, of flawed characters extricating themselves from tragic affairs, aren’t just a set-up or storytelling device. It’s personal identification set to song, new additions to a canon looking for fresh blood. On previously released lead single “Not You,” Clark flips a brutally honest breakup tale and draws emotions and empathy from being on the “right” side of the conversation.

Today, he debuts his new single, “Can’t Have,” By pairing raw, confessional singing and personal stories with pulsing synthesizers and rhythms. His style, refined and road-tested over the years, goes widescreen on The Lonely Roller. A complete concept, the album flows and ties together, more of a movie and journey than isolated images and experiences.


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