Strut of Kings by Guided By Voices album review by Ben Lock for Northern Transmissions


Strut Of Kings

Guided By Voices

Guided by voices have just released their 41st record “Strut Of Kings” and it’s without a doubt one of the bands most exciting and impressive albums yet. It still remains its beer fueled looseness but with a more well arranged batch of songs and a endlessly fun track order.

The Epic opener track “Show Me The Castle” has a satisfying song structure that builds from a emotional sounding intro to a full blown rock n roll epic. The next track feels like a another quick GBV ripper that fans know and love but with some really nice chord progressions and distorted vocals. Following the two rock openers we get one of the first acoustic tracks off the record “This will go on” a lovely little track that adds some dynamic to the front half of the album. My personal favourite song off the album is “Fictional Environment Dream” a feel good rock song with a soaring vocal and fun synths and organs coming in halfway through the track.

If your a GBV fan or familiar with their discography than your definitely no stranger to their very bizarre and manchild like approach to their song names and this next song is definetly in that vain. “Olympus Cock In Radiana” is a goofy and short rock track that moves the record along in a fun and light hearted way. The vocals on “Leaving Umbrella” are perfectly pitchy in a bravado filled Jim Morrison way. The song is one of the weirder tracks off the album which isn’t my favourite but still leaves me satisfied in a way I don’t understand.

The boneheadish rock banger “Cavemen Running Naked” sees the band playing with different rhythms and guitar riffs while still keeping the GBV vibe intact. Another one of my favorites off this record is “Timing Voice” a another song with some different rhythms and drumming approaches ultimately making the song more interesting.

Right as the album starts to feel a little boring we hear “Bit Of A Crunch” a song with a heavy emotional undertone and a energetic ending. After its sweet intro the band creep in building the track into a powerful moment on the album. “Serene King” is a absolute rager track that puts a huge smile on my face with its uplifting chorus and its great chord progressions. Following the optimistic “Serene King” is the final track off the record “Bicycle Garden” a another cheery song with some freaky chord changes and earwormy guitar and vocal melodies. A solid finish to this inherently fun album from Guided By Voices.

Order Strut Of Kings by Guided By Voices HERE


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