Goan Dogs Debut Video For “Shut Up”

UK band Goan Dogs have released a new video for "Shut Up." The track is off their forthcoming release Call Your Mum
Goan Dogs "Shut Up"

UK band Goan Dogs, recently announced their new album Call Your Mum, will drop on February 5th, 2021. Consisting of 12 tracks, the forthcoming release sees the five-piece utilise dark elements of experimental electronica with warped guitar chords to contort and sculpt an unconventional structure into an exquisite piece of indie-pop with universal accessibility. Ahead of the album’s arrival, Goan Dogs have shared a new video for album track “Shut Up.” A wonderful catchy tune, with a strong message, that doesn’t sound self righteous.

Discussing the inspiration for the album, the band say “It’s top advice for anyone in the privileged position of having a mum they can talk to. The album is filled with lost people, unfulfilled people, confused people, heartsick people and anxious people.”

Opening the record is ‘Anxiety’, Goan Dog’s harmony-filled number that expresses the awkwardly anxious scenario of not knowing if the person you’re into likes you back, while ‘I Can’t Sleep’; an ode to the blue light of loneliness, brims with haunting hooks and sharp bursts of riffs.

Discussing the track, they say “You desperately want that special someone to send you a message, and you’re not sleeping until they do. Instead, you spend the night in the warm embrace of a glowing screen that slowly mushes your brain.”

Converging eerie experimental synths with jangling guitar pop to create a near-tropical beat, ‘Zombies’ reminisces over happy recollections of one’s past. Given the world’s current circumstances with the Global pandemic, Goan Dogs tells say “Now that the whole world is ill, we all do the same things day in, day out. Stuck on a loop. Remember the good old days? When we were free to wake up, eat food, drink, get bored, get anxious, sleep and repeat. Everyday. Without thinking. Like Zombies.”

Goan Dogs on “Shut Up:”

“”Shut Up” is about trying to silence the negative voices in your head – the ones that tell you you’re not good enough and that you should leave the party, then follow you home and make you wonder why you ever do anything at all. We should all tell that voice to shut up but sometimes it’s impossible, and all you can do is play a slap bass riff over it instead.”


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