Georgia Gets By Debuts “Madeline” Video

Georgia Gets By Debuts "Madeline" Video
Georgia Gets by Single Art Credit: Silken Weinberg

Georgia Gets By, the project of New Zealand’s Georgia Nott (BROODS), shares “Madeline,” her new single, now available via Luminelle Recordings (Sea Lemon, Helena Deland, Magdalena bay). The song’s soulful yearning builds to a flooding of outsized emotion, expressing the inescapable feeling when you meet someone who transforms your life.

“Madeline is about the moment you meet someone that you know will change you. You feel it in the deepest place inside your stomach and become completely choice-less in your feelings for them,” Nott explains.

The song is brought to life via its cinematic video directed by Silken Weinberg (Albert Hammond Jr, Deb Never). “I made the video for ‘Madeline’ with Silken Weinberg; my favourite person to create visual worlds with, for her ability to capture drama in a way that is equally playful and devastating. We were watching a bunch of Hitchcock movies and became especially obsessed with Spellbound. Inspired by the trailers for his films, and the way they are a window into a much bigger story, we wanted to make ‘Madeline’ into that window. Just a glimpse of a world where ‘Madeline’ could be anything from a ghost, an idea or a hallucination. It’s really up to the viewer,” Nott adds.

Order “Madeline” by Georgia Gets By HERE


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