“Edgar” By Shower Curtain

Shower Curtain ponder grief on new single, “Edgar”
Shower Curtain Photo by Juliette Boulay

Brooklyn via Brazil band Shower Curtain have released their first single in two years, “Edgar.” The song about the anxiety of impending grief is accompanied by a music video shot in the band’s home base of New York City by director and cinematographer Nikos Campbell. Inspired by lead vocalist Victoria Winter’s cat Edgar’s tumultuous health, the video co-directed by Winter was shot from Edgar’s point of view, which infuses moments of levity and playfulness into an emotionally heavy song.

“It feels very liberating to share this song with the world. Not only is it marking a new phase for the project but I think an overall process of maturing as a creative, letting go of the old aesthetic and sound that defined Shower Curtain when I lived in Brazil,” says Victoria Winter, the mastermind behind Shower Curtain. “The new sound is of course a reflection of the project evolving from a solo project into a band, and the band’s contribution to this song is evident in the instrumentation. ‘Edgar’ is a very cathartic song about seeing my cat getting weaker with an auto-immune disease. He survived his hospitalization back then, but now he struggles with terminal cancer. In many ways, the stages of grief that are written about in the lyrics still persist with me.”

Listen to “Edgar” here.


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