Dr. Dog by Dr. Dog album review by Greg Walker for Northern Transmissions. The Philadelphia band's LP is Now out via We Buy Gold Records


Dr. Dog

Dr. Dog

“All of the things that felt right, didn’t happen overnight,” Dr. Dog’s drummer, Eric Slick, sings on their first album in four years and their first since announcing that they would not be touring anymore. As per usual with a Dr. Dog record, the hook is king. And this album, which is self-titled, like the Beatles’ White Album, recalls the Beatles time and again, with the beautiful harmonies, the psychedelic sweetness, the penchant for hit songs that yet have heart.

“Oh, cause every lost cause still has its day / there’s no reason to cry / we’re not alone.” The first record co-produced by co-frontman Scott McMicken, it recalls many of their more popular songs and records and shares their penchant for the underdog. Whether it’s the opening song, which discusses their relationship to “Authority” (“And I’m thumbing my nose on the rose of the thorn of authority”), or perhaps my favorite track on the record, “Fine White Lies,” whose protagonist “she’ll tell you what you need to hear,” even if it’s stretching the truth a little bit, their knack for storytelling is ever keen.

Perhaps the album’s biggest hit single, “Talk is Cheap” recalls vintage Bowie with its contagious groove and strong background choir. The album works well as a cohesive whole, a testament to the power of the long player in an age of singles. But there are many tracks that would stand alone with strength. Like the album closer, “Love Struck,” which was co-written with M. Ward. “We’ve got tonight, we’ve got eternity / You got me taking my time / We took a look and we was guaranteed / You’ve got the rest of my life.”

For those who’ve been listening to Dr. Dog for the two decades that they’ve been an indie rock staple, this self-titled album is a triumph. Supremely re-playable, never lacking in the hook department, and as lyrically interesting as anything that they’ve ever done. Perhaps the choice to change things up, do albums independently, and let Dr. Dog become naturally what it will become, has breathed new life into an always inspiring band. This album promises to be a highlight in a career of highlights.

If it’s true what they sing, “You’ve got the rest of my life,” there’s a good bet we’ll be hearing more from these gentlemen in years to come. But with songs like “Still Can’t Believe” and its retro meets modern feel, Dr. Dog continue to be a band that brings the best of yesteryear into the melting pot of the present day.

order Dr. Dog HERE


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